Two artworks by Elio Pastore will exhibited at Promotrice delle Belle Arti in Turin (Italy), from 13 September to 13 October 2024.
The title of the exhibition, "Donna, mistero senza fine bello" quotes a famous verse by Guido Gozzano, an Italian poet of the early twentieth century.
Elio Pastore took part with a solo exhibition, "Arctic awesomeness"at the international event "Sentiero d'Arte 2024" at Trarego Viggiona, in the splendid setting of Lake Maggiore, from 30 March to 1th April 2024 at Casa Buri in the village of Cheglio.
An interesting interview by journalist Milo Julini with Elio Pastore was published in online magazine
"Civico20 News" of November 2, 2023.
Elio Pastore took part in a group exhibition from November, 17 to December, 17, 2023: "L'autunno. Gli autunni" at Lomellini Palace in Carmagnola (Italy).
Elio Pastore displayed his new works in a solo exhibition "Arctic awesomeness", from September, 30 to October, 8, 2023 at Municipal Exhibition Hall in Giaveno (Italy).